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45 packages found
Expo template ready to develop mobile apps
React Native Template
Expo template ready to develop mobile apps
React Native template for a quick start with TypeScript, React Navigation, styled-components, async-storage, dotenv, axios, fastlane, prettier, eslint, jest, react native testing library
- expo
- template
- expo-template
- react-native
- react-native-template
- styled-components
- typescript
- react-navigation
- dotenv
- axios
- services
- deploy
- fastlane
- prettier
- View more
React Native template for application developed with ReScript.
React Native Template Base
- react-native
- template
- react-native-base
- react-native-template
- react-native-template-paisen
- rn-template
- rn-base
React Native template for react-native-uiw.
- react-native-template
- react-native
- jest
- template
- uiw
- redux
- react
- react-navigation
- navigation
- boilerplate
- rematch
Clean and minimalist React Native template for a quick start with TypeScript & NativeWind.
- react-native
- typescript
- jest
- react-native-template
- react native template typescript
- react navigation
- native wind starter
- native wind and react query
- template
- boilerplate
- native-wind
Template for custom install of an Expo project
A React Native Template using Expo, Typescript and Jest
Template with the most modern libraries for React Native best development and perfomance. Made with a lot of ☕ and 😍
- react
- react-native
- react-navigation
- redux
- redux-saga
- babel
- eslint
- styled-components
- lottie-react-native
- lottie
- react-native-template
Expo template ready to develop mobile apps
React Native Boilerplate to kick start mobile application with clean architecture.
A simple Expo template with navigation, testing, and linting setup.
Ready-to-use mobile template built for a scalability with typescript, the expo workflow, storybook, and firebase. Used for open-source education and kickstarting mobile applications.
- expo
- template
- mobile
- starter
- firebase
- authentication
- pagination
- image-upload
- image
- expo-template
- storybook
- react-native
- react-native-template
- jest
- View more
React Native template for application developed with ReScript.
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A simple Expo template with navigation, testing, and linting setup.
A simple Expo template with navigation, testing, and linting setup.