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40 packages found
Widget for uploading images in Decap CMS.
A tool that allows you to easily upload files to your cloud. It has a number of capabilities that are challenging to master through documentation alone.
Show the preview of file and manage files data to upload
Show the preview of file and manage files data to upload
Simple S3 Image Upload is a Node.js package that simplifies the process of uploading images to Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service). It uses the AWS SDK for JavaScript and the Buffer module to handle image data. This package allows you to quickly and easily
- aws
- s3
- image
- uploader
- amazon
- storage
- upload
- image-upload
- amazon-s3
- binary
- base64
- image-storage
- cloud-storage
- object storage
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upload multiple images with preview
## A React Component that enables you to upload a file to IPFS.
- react-component
- ipfs-uploader
- react
- ipfs
- upload
- react-ipfs
- ipfs-upload
- react-upload
- react-ipfs-upload
- image
- image-upload
Upload images with react hassle free
REST API starter project with authentication, upload and basic APIS required to start with a backend project.
Upload multiple images
This library was generated with [Angular CLI]( version 17. This Module will help you to make a file uploader for your Angular project with firebase/firestorage. Now I made a little mix with the library of [ngx-image-
This is a drag/drop and upload image package for specific use case.
react image picker
A package to upload and manage the order of pictures
React Components that enable you to upload file(Images,PDFs,Text,etc.) , multiple files or a folder to IPFS .
- react-component
- react-ipfs-uploader
- react
- ipfs
- upload
- react-ipfs
- ipfs-upload
- react-upload
- react-ipfs-upload
- image
- image-upload
- pdf-upload
- text
Drop and Upload Images with Ease
upload images with preview
Render props style component for uploading image with Expo.ImagePicker API
Widget for uploading images in Netlify CMS.
Ready-to-use mobile template built for a scalability with typescript, the expo workflow, storybook, and firebase. Used for open-source education and kickstarting mobile applications.
- expo
- template
- mobile
- starter
- firebase
- authentication
- pagination
- image-upload
- image
- expo-template
- storybook
- react-native
- react-native-template
- jest
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