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Directions Component for react-native-maps
Cross platform maps for react & react-native
React Native clustering library using C++ Supercluster implementation
- react
- native
- react-native
- react-native-maps
- map
- maps
- mapview
- ios
- android
- cluster
- clusters
- clustering
- clustering-algorithm
- super
Yandex.MapKit and Yandex.Geocoder for react-native
- react-native
- mapkit
- yandex
- yamap
- polygon
- polyline
- marker
- map
- maps
- react-native-maps
- yandexmap
- yandexmaps
- geocoder
Route component for react-native-maps
Yandex.MapKit and Yandex.Geocoder for react-native
- react-native
- mapkit
- yandex
- yamap
- polygon
- polyline
- marker
- map
- maps
- react-native-maps
- yandexmap
- yandexmaps
- geocoder
Mappable Kit for react-native
Expo config plugin for react-native-maps iOS Google Maps setup
react-native-maps for Web, base on @react-google-maps/api
Yandex.MapKit and Yandex.Geocoder for react-native
- react-native
- mapkit
- yandex
- yamap
- polygon
- polyline
- marker
- map
- maps
- react-native-maps
- yandexmap
- yandexmaps
- geocoder
A helper and component library for react-native-maps that enables navigation support
React Native Maps Leaflet brings powerful, interactive maps to your React Native apps using Leaflet. Add custom markers, popups, and tile layers. Perfect for real estate, travel, delivery tracking, and logistics. Compatible with iOS and Android, it provid
- react-native
- leaflet
- maps
- react-native-maps
- react-native-maps-leaflet
- react-leaflet-native
- react-leaflet
- react-map
- react-native-map
Yandex.MapKit and Yandex.Geocoder for react-native
- react-native
- mapkit
- yandex
- yamap
- polygon
- polyline
- marker
- map
- maps
- react-native-maps
- yandexmap
- yandexmaps
- geocoder
[]( [](
This multi polygon editor written in TypeScript for the React Native Maps component. This component allows you to select, create, or modify areas on Apple Maps and Google Maps.
Codeartisan React Native Leaflet Traccar is an improvement of @netizen-teknologi/react-native-maps-leaflet, bringing powerful, interactive maps to React Native Traccar Custom apps with Leaflet. Ideal for real estate, travel, delivery tracking, and logisti
Yandex.MapKit and Yandex.Geocoder for react-native
- react-native
- mapkit
- yandex
- yamap
- polygon
- polyline
- marker
- map
- maps
- react-native-maps
- yandexmap
- yandexmaps
- geocoder
React Native wrapper for Apple MapKit Directions
Directions Component for react-native-maps with alternative routes
A helper and component library for react-native-maps that enables navigation support