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649 packages found
Simple “Least Recently Used” (LRU) cache
Copy files
Simple “Least Recently Used” (LRU) cache
Easy and customizable economy module for your Discord Bot.
- discord
- bot
- discord.js
- economy
- fast
- easy
- easy-eco
- easy-economy
- discord economy
- discord-economy
- discord-economy-super
- discord-js
- discord-eco
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Quick Mongo Super is a light-weight and easy-to-use Node.js module written in TypeScript to work with MongoDB.
- mongo
- mongodb
- db
- database
- nosql
- cloud
- cloud-database
- clouddatabase
- super
- quick-mongo
- quick.db
- quick-db
- quick-mongo-db
- quick-mongo-super
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A simple database wrapper to make sqlite database interactions much easier for beginners, with additional array helper methods.
Fast way to send synchronous web requests in NodeJS. API is a subset of sync-request. Leverages node-libcurl for high performance. Cannot be used in a browser.
- sync
- sync-request
- synchronous
- request
- fast
- quick
- speed
- performance
- http
- https
- curl
- libcurl
- node-libcurl
- easy-libcurl
QCObjects SDK is a set of Controllers, Views and Components that are elementary and useful to assist developers to build applications under MVC patterns using QCObjects, Cross Browser Javascript Framework for MVC Patterns
All setup/plugins/configurations for quick and handy start with Vue
- vue
- vuex
- vue-router
- fontawesome
- vuejs
- template
- quick
- starter
- bootstrap
- bootstrap 5
- responsive
- pwa
- continous deployment
- continous integration
quickly create a simple and extendable api-client
An easy, non-locking, persistent better-sqlite3 wrapper designed to be easy to setup & utilize
Mewwme Private Quick.DB
Find bugs in your JavaScript code
- quick
- lint
- js
- syntax
- errors
- bugs
- fast
- static-analysis
- code-quality
- feedback
- javascript
- linter
- linting
- strager
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Private quick.db module for ByteBlaze, all credits keeped
a private mewwme.db for my personal use
Private quick.db module for ByteBlaze, all credits keeped
BriteLite is Enmap for CloudFlare: A simple database wrapper to make D1 database interactions easier for beginners, with additional array helper methods.
associate HTML nodes to a class instance as if they are reusable and autonomous components
Cherry3 is a SQlite object modeling tool designed to work in an asynchronous environment.
- sqlite
- better-sqlite3
- sequelize
- orm
- quick
- quick.db
- object
- modeling
- async
- sqlite3
- knex
- typescript
- cherry3
- database
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velox.db is an open-source Node.js library that allows you to store data in a JSON file easily.