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Reproject a Bounding Box
Gets EPSG Code for Various Inputs (incl. OGC WKT, ESRI WKT, GML, Mapfile, PROJ String, Proj4js String, XML)
Super Light-Weight Utility Functions for Working with Universal Transverse Mercator
A library that converts GeoTIFFs geokeys to Proj4 string
Parse WKT-CRS (Well-known text representation of coordinate reference systems)
Turbo-charge your Re-projection Functions
convert an epsg code to a proj string
Super Low-Level Raster Reprojection and Resampling Library
Modern Spatial Reference System Class. Supports EPSG Codes, PROJ4 String, and Well-Known Text.
reproject for geojson file
Projection Data Compressed to Fit in the Browser. Includes PROJ4 Strings, ESRI WKT, and OGC WKT
SpatiaLite and friends - sqlite, geos, proj, rttopo - for node and browser.
This package provides the precompiled proj library, built using cpp.js, for easy integration into JavaScript, WebAssembly and React Native projects. It allows users to perform geodetic computations such as projections and coordinate transformations, ensur
Easy to make project!
Robinson projection library, port of PJ_robin.c from PROJ.4
Test project
A vercel python runtime with gis libraries