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turf projection module
- turf
- projection
- to-mercator
- to-wgs84
- EPSG:4326
- WGS84
- mercator
- web-mercator
- EPSG:3857
- EPSG:3785
- 900913
- EPSG:900913
- EPSG:102113
Super Light-Weight Utility Functions for Working with Universal Transverse Mercator
Translate latitude and longitude values into 'world' coordinates as used by the Google Map API.
Convert Gauß-Krüger coordinates (GK2, GK3, GK4, GK5: EPSG:31466-EPSG:31469) to WGS84, and vice versa
Spatial reference library for node
Reproject geojson geometry from WGS84 to Spherical Mercator
Converts Web Mercator coordinates to screen pixels and back
Utilities for working with Chinese coordinate reference systems
Work with the web mercator projection.
A js tool for satellite, geography and transformation around llh, mercator ,enu and others.
Tile System math for the Spherical Mercator projection coordinate system (EPSG:3857)
Slippy map implementation for React
Tiny library for GLSL web mercator projections
A javascript port of the GlobalMercator python class found at
a light-weight XYZ tile map viewer with a Canvas2D renderer
turf projection module
- turf
- projection
- to-mercator
- to-wgs84
- EPSG:4326
- WGS84
- mercator
- web-mercator
- EPSG:3857
- EPSG:3785
- 900913
- EPSG:900913
- EPSG:102113
[]( [ into an expected (lng, lat).
Parse UTM northing and easting from text input
Transform tile x,y to lat,lng and back for spherical mercator.