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Proj4JS Projector Fully Loaded with Projections
Almost All the Projection Definitions for Proj4js
Proj4js wrapper for conversion between geospatial CRS (coordinate reference systems)
- webgl
- javascript
- math
- geospatial
- WGS84
- ellipsoid
- cartographic
- cartesian
- projection
- web mercator
- geographic
- proj4
- proj4js
Gets EPSG Code for Various Inputs (incl. OGC WKT, ESRI WKT, GML, Mapfile, PROJ String, Proj4js String, XML)
Simple, Modern Geospatial Bounding Boxes
Merge Multiple Proj4 Instances
A library that converts GeoTIFFs geokeys to Proj4 string
Wrapper for all epsg definitions from PostGIS for proj4js in one easy-to-use file
Turbo-charge your Re-projection Functions
reproject for geojson file
Handle transformation between mars projections.
A Node-Red node for performing geographic coordinate conversions
Find the geographic projection which best turns a given (X,Y) into an expected (lng, lat).
A Node-Red node for performing geographic coordinate conversions
Integrating proj4js into maptalks.