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Converts a GeoRaster into a Canvas
Get the Palette (aka Color Map) for a GeoTIFF
Wrapper around Georeferenced Rasters like GeoTIFF, NetCDF, JPG, and PNG that provides a standard interface
Reference Implementation of the Dufour-Peyton Intersection Algorithm. Calculates the Intersections of Arbitrary Polygons with a Geospatial Raster.
Display GeoTIFFs and soon other types of raster on your Leaflet Map
Snap a Bounding Box to a Grid
Blazing Fast JavaScript Raster Processing Engine
Low-Level GeoSpatial Masking Functions
A library that converts GeoTIFFs geokeys to Proj4 string
GDAL compiled into WebAssembly for use in a web browser.
Javascript wrapper for GDAL in the browser
Load GeoTIFF/COG(Cloud optimized GeoTIFF) on Cesium
Read Pixel Values from a GeoTIFF within a Bounding Box in almost any Projection
Get the Numerical No Data Value for a GeoTIFF. Supports Infinity.
Generate a Map Tile from a GeoTIFF File.
Get the Precise No Data Value for a GeoTIFF. Avoid Floating Point Arithmetic Issues.
Create a GeoTIFF Tile using an Inline Web Worker
Get the EPSG Code for a GeoTIFF.
Get Normalized GeoTransform for a GeoTIFF
Framework-independent loaders for tiff and geotiff