Search results
20 packages found
Open Source Business Management Framework
- business management
- open-data
- customer
- employee
- product
- invoice
- order
- offer
- stock control
- payment
- inventory
- rental
- project
- express
eu-parliment-votes-sdk ` is a library that provides a simple interface to the EU Parliment API.
Business Management Application
- business management
- open-data
- customer
- employee
- product
- invoice
- order
- offer
- stock control
- payment
- inventory
- rental
- project
- express
Orbis' Typescript SDK for building open-data experiences.
BedRock Typescript SDK for building open-data experiences.
Expose the github teams of an organization to the public as webpage and json using this Node.js server.
Get data from Harvard student organizations
Get Harvard house names
Socrata provider for Koop
A wrapper around the uWaterloo Open Data API
This module provides open data on the Tunisia population census in order to assist Tunisian developers in their projects.
Simplified meal data fetcher using Republic of Korea Army Open Data API (Ministry of Defense)
Schemas for structured cryptocurrency-related data
Projet de module typescript pour exploitation des données distribuées par le système Eliasse de l'assemblée nationale
- Assemblée-nationale
- assemblee
- nationale
- french
- parlament
- parlement
- open-data
- eliasse
- amendements
- amendments
- France
- bureau-ouvert
Centroids of world countries in CSV, GeoJson, etc
A CouchDB powered registry for linked data
This is the front end of UMS module, from AGEOPS.
- afghanistan-government-electornic-and-open-procurement-system
- open-data
- tenders
- e-tendering
- procurement-plans
- open-contracting-data
- transactional-system
- Aghanistan
- Afghan
- Government
- electronic-government-procurement
- e-GP
This is the front end of File Manager module, from AGEOPS.
- afghanistan-government-electornic-and-open-procurement-system
- open-data
- tenders
- e-tendering
- procurement-plans
- open-contracting-data
- transactional-system
- Aghanistan
- Afghan
- Government
- electronic-government-procurement
- e-GP
Generates types from samples of derouleur.json, a dynamic json file provided by french parlament
A node.js implementation for the Socrata Open Data API (SODA)