Search results
38 packages found
A reusable and dynamic Employee Table component
Highly customizable org chart, created with d3
Highly customizable org chart, created with d3
Open Source Business Management Framework
- business management
- open-data
- customer
- employee
- product
- invoice
- order
- offer
- stock control
- payment
- inventory
- rental
- project
- express
Highly customizable org chart, created with d3
Module to test module creation
Business Management Application
- business management
- open-data
- customer
- employee
- product
- invoice
- order
- offer
- stock control
- payment
- inventory
- rental
- project
- express
Highly customizable org chart, created with d3
Highly customizable org chart, created with d3
A module to handle employee details
Modal component that can be customized with everything like DOM elements, text or an other component
Node integration with Harvest
Highly customizable org chart, created with d3
Highly customizable org chart, created with d3
Organization chart, created with d3
Highly customizable org chart, created with d3
Highly customizable org chart, created with d3