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121 packages found
Community Solid Server: an open and modular implementation of the Solid specifications
Generate RDF out of a GeoPackage (for further processing)
50+ Linked Data vocabulary prefixes and their namespace URLs
A TypeScript package with latest Schema Typings
- typescript
- tsd
- dts
- Semantic Web
- semantic-web
- Linked Data
- linked-data
- jsonld
- structured data
- structured-data
Standard Knowledge Language Javascript Engine
Authenticate to CommunitySolidServer using its API
LINCD is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces with linked data (also known as 'structured data', or RDF)
An open source SDK to integrate and interact with any API
- skl
- linked-data
- rdf
- jsonld
- sdk
- standard-sdk
- unified-sdk
- nodejs
- api
- openapi
- openapi3
- rest
- rest-api
- rest-client
- View more
A TypeScript package with latest Schema Typings
- typescript
- tsd
- dts
- Semantic Web
- semantic-web
- Linked Data
- linked-data
- jsonld
- structured data
- structured-data
A dgraph database backend for a Community Solid Server
A js client library for Semantic Event Processing Architecture
A redis database backend for a Community Solid Server
Extensible Graph Format
Solid Protocol Extension to Store and Share Data with Fleetbase
- fleetbase-extension
- solid
- solid-protocol
- decentralized
- decentralized-data
- fleetbase
- fleetbase-pod
- rdf
- linked-data
- ember-addon
- ember-engine
JavaScript bindings for the Nanopub rust toolkit
Autogenerated TypeScript files with RDF namespace aliases for autocompletion
JavaScript bindings for the curies library
Typed JSON-LD in React
- react
- jsonld
- typescript
- Semantic Web
- semantic-web
- Linked Data
- linked-data
- react-helmet
- helmet
- script
- seo
Create instances of Terms and Triples/Quads. Implements @RDFJS DataFactory