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168 packages found
Make your own error types!
Make a function mimic another one
Use the unset keyword in CSS.
Framework for rapidly creating high quality, server-side node.js applications, using plugins like building blocks
A port of jQuery.extend that actually works on node.js
Return the prototype of a provided object.
- stdlib
- stdutils
- stdutil
- utilities
- utility
- utils
- util
- object
- obj
- prototype
- prototypeof
- proto
- polyfill
- inheritance
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Utils for working with JavaScript classes and prototype methods.
Tree utilities which provides a full-featured extend and object-cloning facility, and various tools to deal with nested object structures.
Implement prototypical inheritance by replacing the prototype of one constructor with the prototype of another constructor.
- stdlib
- stdutils
- stdutil
- utilities
- utility
- utils
- util
- prototype
- inherit
- inherits
- class
- oop
- object-oriented
- inheritance
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Test whether a value has in its prototype chain a specified constructor as a prototype property.
- stdlib
- stdassert
- assertion
- assert
- utilities
- utility
- utils
- util
- prototype
- proto
- inherit
- inherits
- class
- oop
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Adds a static `extend` method to a class, to simplify inheritance. Extends the static properties, prototype properties, and descriptors from a `Parent` constructor onto `Child` constructors.
Easy prototype inheritance
Make your own nested error types!
Test if an object's prototype chain contains a provided prototype.
- stdlib
- stdassert
- assertion
- assert
- utilities
- utility
- utils
- util
- prototype
- proto
- inherit
- inherits
- class
- oop
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Prototype fusion
Get the prototype chain of any value as an Array
"A programmed version of university management system using (OOP) Object Oriented Programming. where (for instance) University seniors can store or manage data of students, Instructors,and courses along with departments."
- management
- system
- beginner
- student
- node
- typescript
- cli
- object
- oriented
- programmig
- classes
- courses
- university
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A JavaScript object inheritance utility.