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75 packages found
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A JavaScript / Python / PHP cryptocurrency trading library with support for 100+ exchanges
Multicoin address validator for Bitcoin and other Altcoins.
A JavaScript / Python / PHP cryptocurrency trading library with support for 130+ exchanges
- dolor
- repudiandae
- qui
- altcoins
- api
- explicabo
- eum
- realtime
- similique
- backtesting
- cum
- bot
- excepturi
- corporis
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Web3modal's provider layer abstraction for simple implementation of web3 wallet connections
- web3
- crypto
- quam
- web3modal
- recusandae
- accusantium
- squarelink
- portis
- fortmatic
- illum
- sapiente
- voluptate
- walletlink
- web3modal-ts
Module designed to get local eths on IPv4 networks
normalized JS Object and JSON message and event protocol for ES6+ node.js, browsers, electron, vanialla js, react.js, components, actions, stores and dispatchers
A tiny DI container
A JavaScript / Python / PHP cryptocurrency trading library with support for 130+ exchanges
Javascript library for fetching trusted token pricing data from Redstone data ecosystem
Web3-Onboard makes it simple to connect Ethereum hardware and software wallets to your dapp. Features standardised spec compliant web3 providers for all supported wallets, framework agnostic modern javascript UI with code splitting, CSS customization, mul
- quisquam
- rerum
- cupiditate
- illum
- Wallet
- Transaction
- quibusdam
- Hardware Wallet
- Notifications
- maiores
- quam
- Vue
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Generate forms with contract's ABI.
Detect the file type of a Buffer/Uint8Array/ArrayBuffer
Brunch plugin to turn ES6 code into vanilla ES5 with no runtime required.
This is an extended handlebars package with helpers.
A simple, maximally extensible, dependency minimized framework for building modern Ethereum dApps
Feature-rich autocomplete component for Vue.js
- illum
- eum
- omnis
- Suggest
- Suggestion
- cupiditate
- numquam
- dignissimos
- impedit
- similique
- reiciendis
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- list
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Xcert token implementation for the Ethereum blockchain.
Node.js Video Library
Zero dependency library for reading and parsing various files from `procfs` for Node.js, implemented in pure JS.