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crypto address validator for Bitcoin, Ethereum, XDC and other Altcoins.
crypto address validator for Bitcoin, Ethereum, XDC and other Altcoins.
A JavaScript / Python / PHP cryptocurrency trading library with support for 130+ exchanges
- dolor
- repudiandae
- qui
- altcoins
- api
- explicabo
- eum
- realtime
- similique
- backtesting
- cum
- bot
- excepturi
- corporis
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A JavaScript / Python / PHP cryptocurrency trading library with support for 90+ exchanges
ensure compiled typescript files are removed when the corresponding source files are
A library for interacting with the NOWPayments Mass Payments API
- Accept Bitcoin payments
- cum
- Accept crypto payments
- Accept crypto payments online
- Accept crypto on Shopify
- voluptatum
- a
- ADA crypto
- aut
- molestiae
- occaecati
- omnis
- quia
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A JavaScript / Python / PHP cryptocurrency trading library with support for 130+ exchanges
A highly versatile tree structure for JavaScript.
A TypeScript SVG DataURI version of Blockies
Create an inline tool for editorjs with text formatting tags easily.
Detect the file type of a Buffer/Uint8Array
Lightweight and intuitive javascript library
Library to combine multiple files to a single endpoint, serving a single file.
NodeJS/JS library for parsing ethereum/web3 logs, events, and methods.
JavaScript SDK to manage and interact with the safe claims on Safient protocol.
A Connect DID Authorization Center SDK that allows any hardware device to become a DID identity authentication device, providing a secure and convenient method for identity verification.
A TypeScript library for ISO 4217 currency codes. Efficiently lookup and validate currency codes, retrieve associated countries, and more.
- vero
- iso
- architecto
- currency
- praesentium
- debitis
- codes
- lookup
- molestiae
- voluptatem
- et
- voluptas
- international
- eaque
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**Modular**, **Interoperable**, and **gas optimized** library for **secure EVM smart contract development**.
TypeScript action creators for Redux