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Multicoin address validator for Bitcoin and other Altcoins.
crypto address validator for Bitcoin, Ethereum, XDC and other Altcoins.
Safely evaluate JavaScript (estree) expressions, sync and async.
Simple, zero configuration Ethereum Name Service resolver.
A simple, maximally extensible, dependency minimized framework for building modern Ethereum dApps
- nobis
- react-hooks
- hooks
- ethereum
- javascript
- typescript
- sunt
- context
- corporis
- dapp
- metamask
- walletconnect
- est
- frame
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crypto address validator for Bitcoin, Ethereum, XDC and other Altcoins.
Multi Exchange Crypto Currency Trading bot, Data Analysis Library and Strategy Back testing Engine
Retrieves TypeScript definitions from Fastify router schema
A library for interacting with the NOWPayments API
- ad
- ullam
- nemo
- omnis
- Accept crypto on Shopify
- consequatur
- ADA crypto
- perspiciatis
- AeternumToken
- dolores
- quia
- a
- Atomic Wallet
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A JavaScript / Python / PHP cryptocurrency trading library with support for 130+ exchanges
A library for interacting with the NOWPayments Mass Payments API
- Accept Bitcoin payments
- cum
- Accept crypto payments
- Accept crypto payments online
- Accept crypto on Shopify
- voluptatum
- a
- ADA crypto
- aut
- molestiae
- occaecati
- omnis
- quia
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A simple, maximally extensible, dependency minimized framework for building modern Ethereum dApps
- nobis
- react-hooks
- dignissimos
- ullam
- qui
- typescript
- neque
- context
- corporis
- est
- metamask
- walletconnect
- quibusdam
- distinctio
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CoinPayments is a cloud wallet solution that offers an easy way to integrate a checkout system for numerous cryptocurrencies. Coinpayments now also offers coin conversion via
A simple, lightweight and actually good JS wrapper for the SauceNAO API.
TypeScript execution environment and REPL for node
Libsodium for Node.js
The pug plugin to handle the pug, html, css, scss files in webpack entry and extract css from pug.
"Tool to display a CLI-Table for scenario-eth-gas-reporter json output"
A JavaScript / Python / PHP cryptocurrency trading library with support for 100+ exchanges
- algorithmic
- molestiae
- altcoin
- altcoins
- api
- mollitia
- et
- backtesting
- bitcoin
- aut
- btc
- cny
- consectetur
- coins
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Squarelink's Web3 library