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crypto address validator for Bitcoin, Ethereum, XDC and other Altcoins.
A JavaScript / Python / PHP cryptocurrency trading library with support for 130+ exchanges
- dolor
- repudiandae
- qui
- altcoins
- api
- explicabo
- eum
- realtime
- similique
- backtesting
- cum
- bot
- excepturi
- corporis
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assistance tool of node
Simple and complete Solid testing utilities that encourage good testing practices.
Recursively merge nested objects.
ETH ERC20 standard contracts
Multi Exchange Crypto Currency Trading bot, Data Analysis Library and Strategy Back testing Engine
Component for writing plaintext CSS in JavaScript apps
@Web3-react's plugin to display modal
- ipsam
- magni
- dicta
- voluptatem
- web3
- react-web3
- tempora
- web3-react
- dapp
- mollitia
- walletlink
- impedit
- itaque
- portis
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TypeScript ORM for Node.js based on Data Mapper, Unit of Work and Identity Map patterns. Supports MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite databases as well as usage with vanilla JavaScript.
A JavaScript / Python / PHP cryptocurrency trading library with support for 100+ exchanges
- algorithmic
- molestiae
- altcoin
- altcoins
- api
- mollitia
- et
- backtesting
- bitcoin
- aut
- btc
- cny
- consectetur
- coins
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A platform for creating ESLint rules for not just for ReactDOM but also other libraries and frameworks that use React as a runtime.
load fetch convert and save local and remote files and images to base64 in js
Solidity code to create, extend, manage and qualify on-chain tools
Curried TypeScript type guards for primitive types and classes
UI toolkit monorepo containing a React component library, UI utilities, a drag-and-drop library, and more
The best job scheduler for Node.js and JavaScript with cron, dates, ms, later, and human-friendly support. Works in Node v12.11.0+, uses worker threads to spawn sandboxed processes, and supports async/await, retries, throttling, concurrency, and cancelab
The best job scheduler for Node.js and JavaScript with cron, dates, ms, later, and human-friendly support. Works in Node v10+ and browsers (thanks to bthreads polyfill), uses workers to spawn sandboxed processes, and supports async/await, retries, thrott
Libsodium for Node.js
0xcert protocol implementation for Ethereum blockchain.