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15 packages found
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An alias package for `crypto.randomBytes` in Node.js and/or browsers
A small implementation of `crypto.getRandomValues` for React Native. This is useful to polyfill for libraries like [uuid]( that depend on it.
A wrapper that rebundles [`get-random-values`]( into ESM, so you can use it in your `vite`, `skypack`, or wherever you need ESM.
Polyfill for Crypto instance methods of Web Crypto API
- Web Crypto API
- webcrypto
- crypto
- getRandomValues
- randomBytes
- randomUUID
- polyfill
- browser
- node
- wx
- 微信
- 小程序
- crypto-js
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implementation of getRandomValues for React Native
A small implementation of `crypto.getRandomValues` for React Native. This is useful to polyfill for libraries like [uuid]( that depend on it.
Create a random id of any length with characters 0-9,A-Z,a-z using the browser's crypto.getRandomValues interface.
⚡️ A fast implementation of `crypto.getRandomValues` for React Native
Random Bytes function. Works in node and browser.
- arraybuffer
- browser
- buffer
- dataview
- uint8array
- random
- randomBytes
- randomValues
- getRandomValues
- nodejs
- string
- javascript
- module
- node
react native get random vallues for windows
A small implementation of `getRandomValues` for React Native.
- Crypto.getRandomValues
- crypto
- get-random-values
- getRandomValues
- polyfill
- react-native
- LinusU/react-native-get-random-values
Tiny shim for randomBytes for browsers.
An alias package for `crypto.randomBytes` in Node.js and/or browsers
Random bytes without node:buffer
Random Fill function. Works in node and browser.
- arraybuffer
- browser
- buffer
- dataview
- uint8array
- random
- randomBytes
- randomValues
- randomFill
- getRandomValues
- nodejs
- string
- javascript
- module
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