Get secure cryptographic random bytes from of any TypedArray, ArrayBuffer or size without importing node:crypto
or node:buffer
to browsers.
import randomBytes from 'pure-randombytes'
randomBytes() // return Uint8(20) - default to 20 (same as sha1 length)
randomBytes(16) // return Uint8(16)
randomBytes("10") // return Uint8(16) - Anything that isn't TypedArray is casted to Number(x)
Still want to get a randomized node:buffer
back or have something pre allocated? Stuff it in as the first argument, and get the same instance back
randomBytes(uint8) === uint8 // works with pre allocated buffer
randomBytes(bigInt64_or_dataView) // ...and any kind of ArrayBufferView
randomBytes(new ArrayBuffer(33)) instanceof ArrayBuffer // ...ArrayBuffer
randomBytes(Buffer.allocUnsafe(20)) instanceof Buffer // ...and yes, Buffer as well