Search results
39 packages found
Map over promises concurrently
- promise
- map
- resolved
- wait
- collection
- iterable
- iterator
- race
- fulfilled
- async
- await
- promises
- concurrently
- concurrency
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Get the first fulfilled promise that satisfies the provided testing function
- promise
- locate
- find
- finder
- search
- searcher
- test
- array
- collection
- iterable
- iterator
- race
- fulfilled
- fastest
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Filter promises concurrently
An efficient, standards-compliant library for representing results of successful or failed operations
ES Proposal spec-compliant shim for Promise.allSettled
ES Proposal spec-compliant shim for Promise.withResolvers
- javascript
- ecmascript
- polyfill
- shim
- es-shim API
- Promise
- promises
- withResolvers
- defer
- deferred
- settled
- fulfilled
- resolved
- rejected
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Iterate over promises serially
- promise
- foreach
- for-each
- for
- each
- collection
- iterable
- iterator
- fulfilled
- async
- await
- promises
- serial
- serially
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Run promise-returning & async functions concurrently with optional limited concurrency
ES 2021 spec-compliant shim for Promise.any
- Promise
- promises
- any
- settled
- fulfilled
- resolved
- rejected
- allsettled
- resolve
- race
- promise.any
- shim
- polyfill
- es-shim
Map over promises serially
Settle promises concurrently and get their fulfillment value or rejection reason
- promise
- settle
- settled
- resolved
- iterator
- fulfill
- reject
- fulfilled
- rejected
- reflect
- inspect
- error
- async
- await
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Wait for any promise to be fulfilled
Better way to cancel promises using AbortSignal
- AbortController
- AbortSignal
- AbortError
- signal
- abort
- abortable
- promise
- cancel
- cancelable
- cancelation
- settle
- settled
- resolved
- fulfill
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Wait for a specified number of promises to be fulfilled
Test whether all promises passes a testing function
- async
- await
- bluebird
- collection
- concurrency
- concurrently
- every
- filter
- fulfilled
- iterable
- iterator
- parallel
- promise
- promises
Inspect the state of a promise
Map over promises concurrently
- promise
- map
- resolved
- wait
- collection
- iterable
- iterator
- race
- fulfilled
- async
- await
- promises
- concurrently
- concurrency
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Make a promise always fulfill with its actual fulfillment value or rejection reason
Create a lazy promise that defers execution until it's awaited or when `.then()`, `.catch()`, or `.finally()` is called
Test whether some promise passes a testing function
- async
- await
- bluebird
- collection
- concurrency
- concurrently
- filter
- fulfilled
- iterable
- iterator
- parallel
- promise
- promises
- some