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429 packages found
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Full featured Promises/A+ implementation with exceptionally good performance
- promise
- performance
- promises
- promises-a
- promises-aplus
- async
- await
- deferred
- deferreds
- future
- flow control
- dsl
- fluent interface
Define a lazily evaluated property on an object
- lazy
- property
- properties
- prop
- define
- object
- value
- lazily
- laziness
- evaluation
- eval
- execute
- getter
- function
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Import a module lazily
Create a deferred promise
A Promise-compatible abstraction that defers resolving/rejecting promises to another closure.
A lightweight Promises/A+ and when() implementation, plus other async goodies.
Modular and fast Promises implementation
Promise extensions; map, filter, etc
The most dead-simple trivial Deferred implementation
A lightweight promise library
- light-weight
- es6
- promise
- performance
- promises
- promises-a
- promises-aplus
- async
- await
- deferred
- deferreds
- future
- flow control
A lightweight Deferred implementation, on top of Promises/A+
Create a lazy promise that defers execution until it's awaited or when `.then()`, `.catch()`, or `.finally()` is called
jQuery 1.8.2 deferred lib for nodeJS.
Runs Promises in a pool that limits their concurrency.
- promise
- promises
- promises-a
- promises-aplus
- future
- futures
- deferred
- deferreds
- generator
- generators
- async
- await
- flow control
- pool
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Practical, lightweight flow control for Node.js. Supports `await`, callbacks and promises.
A small embeddable Promise polyfill
A bluebird wrapper for node-mysql
- promise
- performance
- promises
- promises-a
- promises-aplus
- async
- await
- deferred
- deferreds
- future
- flow control
- dsl
- fluent interface
- database
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jQuery style Deferreds
- underscore deferreds
- underscore deferred
- deferreds
- deferred
- Deferred
- defered
- flow
- control
- async
- asynchronous
- flow-control
- underscore
- _
- jquery
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A promise based throttler capable of limiting execution of parallel tasks
es6 Native Promise Defer that helps build promise/callback dual APIS