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679 packages found
Transform a string into title case following English rules
A simple React datepicker component for working with gregorian, persian, arabic and indian calendars with the ability to select the date by single, multiple, range and multiple range pickers.
- react
- multi
- date
- picker
- datepicker
- rangepicker
- weekpicker
- timepicker
- date picker
- range picker
- time picker
- week picker
- multiple
- range
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English dictionary for cspell.
retext plugin to warn about possible insensitive, inconsiderate language
- english
- equal
- gender
- identity
- insensitive
- language
- neutral
- orientation
- plugin
- race
- religion
- retext
- retext-plugin
- sensitive
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Wink's English Language Light Web Model for Web Browsers
List of ~275,000 English words
Tesseract C++ API in Pure Javascript
n2words converts a numerical number into a written one, supports 27 languages and has zero dependencies.
- n2words
- convert
- number
- word
- text
- natural
- language
- english
- french
- spanish
- german
- portuguese
- italian
- turkish
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JavaScript library for working with Date and Time in different calendars and locals
Utility library for converting between Kanji, Hiragana, Katakana, and Romaji
Maintained fork of later. Determine later (or previous) occurrences of recurring schedules
random cat word
Scrabble Solver 2 - Free, open-source, cross-platform, and multi-language analysis tool for Scrabble, Super Scrabble & Literaki. Quickly find top scoring words using given board & tiles.
- Scrabble
- Super Scrabble
- Kelimelik
- Literaki
- Solver
- Finder
- Cheating
- Word
- English
- Français
- French
- Deutsch
- German
- Polski
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Convert numbers to words, in multiple languages
- rosaenlg
- n2words
- convert
- number
- word
- text
- natural
- language
- english
- french
- spanish
- german
- portuguese
- italian
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The best job scheduler for Node.js and JavaScript with cron, dates, ms, later, and human-friendly support. Works in Node v12.17.0+, uses worker threads to spawn sandboxed processes, and supports async/await, retries, throttling, concurrency, and cancelab
A simple React datepicker component for working with gregorian, persian, arabic and indian calendars with the ability to select the date by single, multiple, range and multiple range pickers.
- react
- multi
- date
- picker
- datepicker
- rangepicker
- weekpicker
- timepicker
- date picker
- range picker
- time picker
- week picker
- multiple
- range
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The Cedict dictionary get and format the cedict to a JSON file
A stylish, editor-like, modular, react component for viewing, editing, and debugging javascript object syntax!
- react-json-editor-ajrm
- ajrm
- react json editor
- json
- input box
- editor
- react-json
- json editor
- json debug
- json schema
- json parser
- json viewer
- json validator
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remark-lint preset for automated proofreading of English text using retext
Fastest JavaScript implementation of the porter2 stemmer