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30 packages found
🐊Putout operator adds ability to declare referenced variables that was not defined
Extract any definition from TS definitions file string
PostCSS plugin generates `.d.ts` for all processed style sheets
automatically generate a claims file, mounted into vue global instance variables
PostCSS plugin to generate `.d.ts` of all used CSS classes and ids in imported stylesheets
PostCSS plugin to generate `.d.ts` of all used CSS classes and ids in imported stylesheets
Safely declare a namespace using dot notation
Safely declare namespaces and set their properties
Declare & install Babel plugins & transforms the easy way
Browserify transform to declare undeclared module.exports variables
Extract any definition from TS definitions file
A tool to parse graphql schema to typescript defs.
ini file decoder for Node.js, using this util, you can read `.ini` file and even parse it to `.d.ts` file
Divide et impera. Organize declarative routes in an imperative way for trie, radix or prefix routers
A class declaration module, that improves code structure and modularization.
Dynamically declare a function with specified amount of parameters
Invoke your function when you declare it. aliases: "invoke"
Solve some problems in typescript .d.ts and add some types defs.