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66 packages found
Tencent Cloud Flask Serverless Component
A ES6 client for APIs written in Flask-Potion
Create a full-stack web application with Preact and Flask
Generates controllers, models, validators, and api scaffold for flask python
A generator to scaffold an app with a React front-end and Flask API
better way to create a random hash for you
A lightweight flask micro-framework scaffold with angular and bootstrap installed
This generator is the scaffolding tool for generate by Yeoman a simple Flask app
Yeoman generator for RESTful Flask APIs
A decorator based extension of Express
Yeoman generator for Flask + Susy project
Node-RED node for todomvc-api
Flask application scaffolding tool
This npm utulity tool will allow users to quickly create blank flask microservices. Each microservice contains bare minimum to get started with building your microservice application.
Client for the flask-tasker framework.
A Yeoman generator for AngularJS + Flask