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stream-json is the micro-library of Node.js stream components for creating custom JSON processing pipelines with a minimal memory footprint. It can parse JSON files far exceeding available memory streaming individual primitives using a SAX-inspired API. I
🦅 cli syntax highlighting: any function - any object - 176 languages
- syntax
- highlight
- cli
- color
- console
- terminal
- language
- highlight.js
- chalk
- object
- string
- function
- line-numbers
- 1c
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Use Django REST Framework with your Ember project
Compile/precompile Nunjucks templates
Convert muban hbs templates to htl, django, twig and others.
A simple, powerful, and extendable templating engine for node.js, similar to Django, Jinja2, and Twig.
JavaScript templating engine based on Jinja2
Frontend code for django-cookie-consent
Implement, document, and test UI components in isolation from your Django views
- styleguide
- storybook
- storybookjs
- components
- documentation
- frontend
- patternlab
- django
- django-pattern-library
- django-templates
- jinja2
- nunjucks
Django plugin for Vite.
A complete and fast template engine fully compatible with twig and similar to jinja with zero dependencies.
Format Django tags and Alpine.js in HTML files
JavaScript url handling for Django that doesn't hurt.
Django hash & verify (pbkdf2_sha256) password in auth_user table.
Module for consuming paginated Django REST framework endpoints.
What's this, an admin for apes?
🦅 cli syntax highlighting: any function - any object - 176 languages
- syntax
- highlight
- cli
- color
- console
- terminal
- language
- highlight.js
- chalk
- object
- string
- function
- line-numbers
- 1c
- View more
A Torchbox-flavoured template pack for django-crispy-forms, adapted from crispy-forms-gds
django templates (htmldjango) extension for coc.nvim. Provides formatter, snippets completion and more...