Search results
2072 packages found
60,000+ SVG icons of popular icon sets that you can add seamlessly to vue projects
- icons
- vue
- vue3
- vite
- font-awesome
- line-awesome
- feather icons
- remix icon
- bootstrap icons
- octicons
- heroicons
- ionicons
- typeicons
- themify icons
- View more
Include inline SVG icons from different popular icon packs in Vue 2.
- icons
- vue
- font awesome
- remix icon
- bootstrap icons
- line awesome
- octions
- simple icons
- heroicons
- material design icons
- ionicons
- element plus icons
Include inline SVG icons from different popular icon packs in Vue 2 & 3 easily.
- element plus icons
- icons
- vue
- vue3
- font awesome
- remix icon
- bootstrap icons
- line awesome
- octions
- simple icons
- heroicons
- material design icons
- ionicons
Ionicons components for Svelte
An adaptation of react-native-vector-icons for react web
- react
- icon
- icons
- vector
- vector-icons
- react-web-vector-icons
- react-native-vector-icons
- oblador
- sturmenta
- AntDesign
- Entypo
- EvilIcons
- Feather
- FontAwesome
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Include popular icons easily in your Qwik projects with `@qwikest/icons`. Includes lucide, octicons & more 🎁
Open source icons for your next Svelte project.
Ionicons font for react native vector icons
- react-native
- ios
- android
- osx
- windows
- macos
- react-component
- react-native-component
- react
- mobile
- ui
- icon
- icons
- vector
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IonIcons components for Vue. Designed for ease of use and high performance
Css Star Rating is pure css component written in scss.
- Rating
- Stars
- Star Rating
- Star-Rating
- Starrating
- 5-Star Rating
- Icon
- Iconfont
- Fonticons
- Fontawesome
- Ionicons
- CSS3
- Pure CSS
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Caching asynchronous IonIcons loader for Vue
Ionicons for Qwik ⚡️
Vue Icon Set Components from Ionic Team
Vue Icon Set Components from Ionic Team
Ionic icons for React Native
Vue Icon Set Components from Ionic Team
Use Ionicons in Sass as inline SVG, no images or webfonts needed