
1.4.0 • Public • Published


Functions for Relay


Using npm:

$ npm install --save relay-fns

Using yarn:

$ yarn add relay-fns

Then with a module bundler like webpack, use as you would anything else:

// Using ES6 Modules
import {useCommitMutation} from 'relay-fns';
// using CommonJS modules
const useCommitMutation = require('relay-fns').useCommitMutation;


It is required to pass down the Environment via Context on the top-level.
Why? Passing environment as a parameter to every function polludes the API.

import {EnvironmentProvider} from 'relay-fns';
import MyApp from './MyApp';
function MyAppContext({children}) {
  return (
    <EnvironmentProvider environment={environment}>
      <MyApp />

Injecting Environment

// With a hook
import {useEnvironment} from 'relay-fns';
function MyComponent() {
  const environment = useEnvironment();
  return (
    // Use Environment for something
// With a hoc
import {withEnvironment} from 'relay-fns';
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
      // this.props.environment
      // Use Environment for something


Provides FetchQuery with Environment pre-applied.

// With a hook
import {useFetchQuery} from 'relay-fns';
function MyComponent() {
  const fetchQuery = useFetchQuery();
  useEffect(() => {
    // Fetch some data
    fetchQuery(QUERY, VARIABLES);
// With a hoc
import {withFetchQuery} from 'relay-fns';
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
  componentDidMount() {
    // Fetch some data
    this.props.fetchQuery(QUERY, VARIABLES);


Provides CommitMutation with Environment pre-applied, and returns a promise. Once the mutation is done, the promise is resolved. The promise is rejected if:

  • onError is called
  • onCompleted returns errors in the second argument
  • The response contains a key named errors - which holds a non-empty value.
// With a hook
import {useCommitMutation} from 'relay-fns';
function MyComponent() {
  const commitMutation = useCommitMutation();
  function runSomeMutation() {
    commitMutation(MUTATION, INPUT, CONFIG)
      .then(() => console.log('Well done!'))
      .catch(() => console.error('You broke it!'));
// With a hoc
import {withCommitMutation} from 'relay-fns';
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
  runSomeMutation() {
      .commitMutation(MUTATION, INPUT, CONFIG)
      .then(() => console.log('Well done!'))
      .catch(() => console.error('You broke it!'));


If you create an item which resides in a list that isn't a connection, Relay is unable to put the item from the mutation payload, into your list.

To resolve the list, a config is required.

  • listName The name of the list in GraphQL
  • listArgs Any arguments required to resolve the list
  • parentID Name of the parent, which holds the list.
  • rootField Can be provided instead of parentID. Equivalent to store.getRoot().getLinkedRecord(rootField)
  • payloadName Provided, if the name of your payload, does not follow the createdObject naming convention.
  • mutationName Provided, if the name of your mutation, does not follow the create[Type] naming convention.

Assuming the query looks like this:

query MyQuery {
    viewer {
        todos {

And the mutation looks like this:

mutation MyMutation($input: CreateTodoInput!) {
    createTodo(input: $input) {
        createdObject {

The config would look like this:

    listName: "todos",
    rootField: "viewer"

In practice, it could be used like this:

// With a hook
import {useCreateMutation} from 'relay-fns';
function MyComponent() {
  const createTodo = useCreateMutation('Todo');
  function runSomeMutation(input) {
    createTodo(MUTATION, input, CONFIG)
      .then(() => console.log('Todo created'))
      .catch(() => console.error('Failed to create todo'));
// With a hoc
import {withCreateMutation} from 'relay-fns';
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
  runSomeMutation(input) {
      .createMutation(MUTATION, input, CONFIG)
      .then(() => console.log('Todo created'))
      .catch(() => console.error('Failed to create todo'));


If you update an item, waiting for the server to respond isn't always necessary. We may set the values on the object in the Relay Store optimistically.

If Id is not included in your input, you will need to provide it in the config, via the dataID property.

// With a hook
import {useUpdateMutation} from 'relay-fns';
function MyComponent() {
  const updateTodo = useUpdateMutation('Todo');
  function runSomeMutation(input) {
    updateTodo(MUTATION, input, CONFIG)
      .then(() => console.log('Todo updated'))
      .catch(() => console.error('Failed to update todo'));
// With a hoc
import {withUpdateMutation} from 'relay-fns';
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
  runSomeMutation(input) {
      .updateMutation(MUTATION, input, CONFIG)
      .then(() => console.log('Todo updated'))
      .catch(() => console.error('Failed to update todo'));


When you delete an item in a list which is not a connection, the optimistic cleanup can be tedious. This function provides you with this functionality.

To resolve the list, a config is required.

  • dataID Required, if the Id property does not exist in your input.
  • listName The name of the list in GraphQL
  • listArgs Any arguments required to resolve the list
  • parentID Name of the parent, which holds the list.
  • rootField Can be provided instead of parentID. Equivalent to store.getRoot().getLinkedRecord(rootField)
// With a hook
import {useDeleteMutation} from 'relay-fns';
function MyComponent() {
  const deleteTodo = useDeleteMutation('Todo');
  function runSomeMutation(input) {
    deleteTodo(MUTATION, input, CONFIG)
      .then(() => console.log('Todo deleted'))
      .catch(() => console.error('Failed to delete todo'));
// With a hoc
import {withDeleteMutation} from 'relay-fns';
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
  runSomeMutation(input) {
      .deleteMutation(MUTATION, input, CONFIG)
      .then(() => console.log('Todo deleted'))
      .catch(() => console.error('Failed to delete todo'));

Utility HOCs

  • fragment = createFragmentContainer
  • refetch = createRefetchContainer
  • pagination = createPaginationContainer
import {fragment} from 'relay-fns';
@fragment({ todo: graphql`...` })
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
import {refetch} from 'relay-fns';
@refetch({ todo: graphql`...` }, graphql``)
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
import {pagination} from 'relay-fns';
@pagination({ todo: graphql`...` }, { ...PaginationProps })
class MyComponent extends React.Component {


relay-fns-enums Parameters:

  • --schema Path to schema.graphql
  • --output Output file

Add it to scripts in package.json Or run it from the terminal:

$ ./node_modules/.bin/relay-fns-enums --schema ./schema.graphql --output ./src/Enums.js

It will generate a file with enums from your graphql schema.

export const MyEnum = {
  Enum1: 'Enum1',
  Enum2: 'Enum2',


  1. Clone the repository

  2. Install dependencies npm|yarn install

  3. Build and watch for changes npm|yarn run watch


relay-fns is built and maintained by babangsund.


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  • babangsund