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4.0.0-beta.1 • Public • Published

LEAF-Writer Storage Service

NPM version npm type definitions

Table of Contents


This is React File Storage component for listing, loading, and saving files from and to the local computer and Git hosting (GitHub and Gitlab). It was built to be used in conjunction with LEAF-Writer-Commons, but it is general enough to be freely used anywhere.

The Load Dialog supports pasting from the clipboard, selecting files from the local computer, dragging & drop a file directly to the UI, and load from an URL or Git provider (GitHub | Gitlab). On the git provider, users can access their own repositories, shared repositories, repositories owned by organizations/groups, and search public repositories. Git repositories are limited to the default branch (usually 'master' or 'main'). There are also search functionalities by file name and within files' content.

The Save Dialog supports downloading to the local computer and saving to Git hosting. On the git hoster, users can create new repositories and new folders and create and overwrite files. Optionally, users can make Pull Requests, saving the file into a different branch. If the user does not have written permission to a repository, they can Fork the repository and make a Pull Request to the original repository.

Extra features:

  • Bypass the dialog UI with a streamlined function to save/load resources.

  • Pass validation function before load.

  • Define a commit message.

  • Show/hide invisible files.

  • Restrict files by MIME type.

  • Responsive: Adapts to large displays and mobile devices.

  • Dark mode: light and dark themes.

  • Localized: English and French.

  • Fully typed with Typescript.


The LEAF-Writer Commons is running an instance of LEAF-Writer that uses the NPM package published from this repository.



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Basic Examples

Load Dialog

import { useState } from  'react';
import { StorageDialog } from '@cwrc/leafwriter-storage-service/dialog';

export  const  MyFStorageDialog  = () => {
 const [open, setOpen] =  useState(true);

 const  handleClose  = () =>  setOpen(false);
 const  handleLoad  = () =>  setOpen(false);

 return (

If the property type is not defined, the component displays the Load Dialog. Property open controls the component visibility; onCancel is triggered by the cancel button; onLoad is triggered by the load button.

Save Dialog

import { useState } from 'react';
import { StorageDialog } from '@cwrc/leafwriter-storage-service/dialog';

export const MyFStorageDialog = () => {
  const [open, setOpen] = useState(true);

  const handleClose = () => setOpen(false);
  const handleSave = () => setOpen(false);

  return (

Property open controls the component visibility; onCancel is triggered by the cancel button; onSave is triggered by the load button.

Full Feature Examples

Load Dialog

import { useState } from 'react';
import { StorageDialog, type Resource } from '@cwrc/leafwriter-storage-service/dialog';

export const MyFStorageDialog = () => {
  const [open, setOpen] = useState(true);

  const handleBackdropClick = () => {
    //do something

  const handleClose = () => {
    //do something

  const handleChange = (resource?: Resource) => {
    //do something with the resource currrent state (e.g., update URL)

  const handleLoad = (resource: Resource) => {
    //do something with the resource loaded

  const handleValidation = (content: string):boolean => {
    //validate content and return true or false.

  return (
        allowedMimeTypes: ['application/xml'],
        allowLocalFiles: true,
        allowUrl: true,
        allowPaste: true,
        locale: 'en',
        preferProvider: 'github',
        providers: [
          { name: 'github', access_token: '{github_token}' },
          { name: 'gitlab', access_token: '{github_token}' }
        showInvisibleFiles: true,
        validate: handleValidation,
      headerLabel="Custom header"
        storageSource: 'cloud | url | local | paste'
        provider: 'github | gitlab',
        owner: 'username | userid',
        ownerType: 'user',
        repo: 'repository-name| repository-id',
        path: 'path/to/documents',
        writePermission: true,

See the API section for more details.

Save Dialog

import { useState } from 'react';
import { StorageDialog, type Resource } from '@cwrc/leafwriter-storage-service/dialog';

export const MyFStorageDialog = () => {
  const [open, setOpen] = useState(true);

  const handleClose = () => {
    //do something

  const handleSave = (Resource: Resource) => {
    //do something

  return (
        allowedMimeTypes: ['application/xml'],
        defaultCommitMessage: 'Updated via leaf-writer',
        locale: 'en',
        preferProvider: 'github_or_gitlab',
        providers: [
          { name: 'github', access_token: '{github_token}' },
          { name: 'gitlab', access_token: '{github_token}' }
        showInvisibleFiles: true,
      headerLabel="Custom header"
        storageSource: 'cloud | local'
        provider: 'github | gitlab',
        owner: 'username | userid',
        ownerType: 'user',
        repo: 'repository-name | repository-id',
        path: 'path/to/documents';
        filename: 'filename',
        content: 'the content of the decument',
        hash: 'sha',

See the API section for more details.

React Suspense

You can use React suspense to optimize your code. The module will only be loaded when the Dialog is triggered for the first time.


import { Suspense lazy, useState } from  'react';
const { StorageDialog } = lazy(() => import('@cwrc/leafwriter-storage-service/dialog'));

export  const  MyFStorageDialog = () => {
 const [open, setOpen] = useState(true);

 const handleClose = () =>  setOpen(false);
 const handleLoad = () =>  setOpen(false);

 return (
      { open === true && (
        <Suspense fallback={<Progress />}>

Bypass the Dialog with handy functions


Use this function to load a document from a git provider without opening the dialog. You must pass the provider authorization and the resource location.

The function returns the resource with the content and its hash.

import { loadDocument, type Resource } from '@cwrc/leafwriter-storage-service/headless';

const providerAuth = {
  name: 'github',
  access_token: 'token'

const resource: Resource = {
  provider: 'github',
  owner: 'username',
  ownerType: 'user',
  repo: 'repository-name',
  path: 'path/to/documents';
  filename: 'filename'

const document: Resource = await loadDocument(providerAuth, resource);


Use this function to save a document to a git provider without opening the dialog. You must pass the provider authorization and the resource object, including the location, filename, and content.

By default, the function will not overwrite any file. To overwrite, you must pass a third argument, true and provide the hash for the file in the resource object.

The function returns the resource with the content and a new hash.

import { saveDocument, type Resource } from '@cwrc/leafwriter-storage-service/headless';

const providerAuth = {
  name: 'github',
  access_token: 'token'

const document: Resource = {
  provider: 'github',
  owner: 'username',
  ownerType: 'user',
  repo: 'repository-name',
  path: 'path/to/documents';
  filename: 'filename',
  content: 'the content of the decument',

//creates a new document
const savedDocument: Resource = await saveDocument(providerAuth, resource);

//updates the same document
const overwrittenDocument: Resource = await saveDocument(providerAuth, savedDocument, true);


Since Leaf writer Storage Service is written in Typescript, you will get suggestions through IntelliSense.

Dialog props

Name Type Default Description
open* boolean false Display / hide dialog
config StorageDialogConfig A collection of configuration (see bellow).
headerLabel string Dialog's custom header. Ex: instead of load you can pass any string, such as load document.
onBackdropClick function Callback fired when the backdrop is clicked.

Save dialog ignores this property since it does not allow for onBackdropClick.
onCancel function Callback fired when the Cancel button is clicked.
onChange function Load dialog: Callback fired when there is any change on the resource source (cloud, local, paste, url), on the resource url when the source is url, or on the resource path (owner, repository, folder path) when the source is cloud.

Save dialog ignores this property.

Signature: function(resource?: Resource) => void See more about Resource below.
onLoad function Load dialog: Callback fired when the Load button is clicked.

Save dialog ignores this property.

Signature: function(resource: Resource) => void. See more about Resource below.
onSave function Save dialog: Callback fired when the Save button is clicked.

Load dialog ignore this property.

Signature: function(resource: Resource) => void. See more about Resource below.
resource Resource | string The resource information, which might include the document's content to be saved.

Load Dialog navigates directly to a specific location. If it is a string, displays paste source panel when open.

Save Dialog navigates directly to a specific location, transport the document's content. See more about Resource type bellow.
source 'cloud' | 'local' | 'paste' 'local' The storage source panel to be display when dialog opens. If providers is defined in the configurations, the dialog opens with the cloud source panel.
type 'load' | 'save' 'load' The dialog type to be open.


Name Type Default Description
allowedMimeTypes Array [MIMEType] [] Restrict the file types allowed. Empty array means no restriction.

MIME type suported: 'application/json', 'application/pdf', 'application/xml', 'text/csv', 'text/html', 'text/plain'.
allowLocalFiles boolean true Load dialog: Allows loading files from local device.
allowPaste boolean true Load dialog: Allows paste from clipboard.
allowUrl boolean true Load dialog: Allows load from URL.
defaultCommitMessage string 'update' Save Dialog: Defines the default commit message.
locale string 'en' Localize the UI and the messages. Must be valid and supported language code. E.g., en
providers Array [ProviderAuth] [] Setup Github / Gitlab providers.

ProviderAuth: {
name: 'github' | 'gitlab',
access_token: 'string
preferProvider string The preferred git host provider: 'github' | 'gitlab'
showInvisibleFiles boolean false Show/hide invisible files (files starting with '.')
validate function Function fired after the content is fetched but before passed to onLoad funcion.

Signature: function(content: string) => { valid: boolean; error?: string };


Name Type Default Description
storageSource cloud | local | paste | url The resource's source.
url string The resource's url. Only for sourceStorage url or cloud.
provider string 'github', 'gitlab', or empty if not from the git repository. Only for sourceStorage cloud.
owner string Github username or Gitlab: user id. Only for sourceStorage cloud.
ownerType string 'user' or 'org'. Gitlab groups are used here as 'org' notation. Only for sourceStorage cloud.
repo string Github repository name. Gitlab repository id. Only for sourceStorage cloud.
branch string The repository's brach. It uses the repository's default branch, usually main or master. Only for sourceStorage cloud.
path string Folder structure. e.g., 'path/to/file'. Only for sourceStorage cloud.
filename string The file name.
content string The document content. Only for sourceStorage cloud.
hash string The Commit hash. On Github, it is the SHA value. On Gitlab, it is the lastCommitId. If present, the dialog alerts the user that the content will be overwritten. Only for sourceStorage cloud.
writePermission boolean Indicates if the loged user has write permission for the repository. Default: undefined for owned repositories. Only for sourceStorage cloud.


This component is part of a leaf writer monorepo. Refer to LEAF-Writer Dev Docs for the project's bigger picture.

We use Material UI (@mui/material) to build the visual elements, @octokit/rest and axios to fetch data from and to Github and Gitlab, overmind to control react state, and i18next for localization.

This component is written in Typescript and bundled with Webpack.

We use Jest for testing.


This project is developed primarily in English and French. We use localization tools (i18next) to provide transaltion to other languages.

Add new locale

To add a new localization, follow these steps:

  1. Add new locale file

Duplicate the .src/locales/en.json file and rename it according to the ISO 639 language codes (two-letter code). For instance, to add Italian, name the file it.json

Replace all key values for an empty string ''. The system is designed to fallback to English is a key has an empty string.

  1. Add support for new locale

on the ./src/i18n.ts:

import it from './locales/it.json'; 
export const resources = { en, es, fr, pt, de, ro, it } as const; 

 // The order here reflect the order in which locales will be displayd in the UI
export const locales = ['en', 'fr', 'es', 'pt', 'de', 'ro', 'it'] as const;

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  • canadian-writing-research-collaboratory
  • lucaju
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