Split up your Data-URI (or anything else) into a separate CSS file.
published 0.1.5 10 years agoScaffold modern frontend web apps with Assemble, Grunt, Sass and Bower. Use modern frameworks like Bourbon, Bootstrap, Foundation and structure the web app with Backbone and RequireJS.
published 0.5.11 9 years agoSplit up your Data-URI (or anything else) into a separate CSS file.
published 1.0.0 9 years agoExport your image informations into json. Provide your own handlebars template to export to any format and file structure you need.
published 0.1.0 9 years agoExport your image informations into json. Provide your own handlebars template to export to any format and file structure you need.
published 0.1.1 8 years agoSplit up your Data-URI (or anything else) into a separate CSS file.
published 1.0.1 8 years agoThis module provides a simple globbing functionality for sass files like the ruby gem sass-globbing. It reads a file from a defined directory and creates a new sass file with all `@import` statements.
published 2.0.2 8 years agoA grunt module which supports sass globbing.
published 2.0.3 7 years agoScaffold modern frontend web apps or web pages with a static site generator, Grunt and/or Gulp, Sass and Bower. Use modern frameworks like Bourbon, Bootstrap or Foundation and structure your JavaScript with ES Harmony support.
published 9.0.0-rc11 7 years agoInsert pre-defined strings into specific sections of other files by using comments.
published 1.1.3 6 years agoYet another static site generator in NodeJS focussed on being fast and simple. Mangony fulfills just one task: It takes templates (like handlebars or jsx) and compiles them to an output directory.
published 2.0.0-alpha23 2 years agoGrunt wrapper for Mangony, another static site generator - fast, simple and powerful.
published 1.1.0 7 years agoHandlebars helper (wrapWith) used by Mangony
published 0.0.8 7 years agoRepresents a very simple DOM API for Veams-JS (incl. ajax support)
published 2.2.7 7 years agoVeams exposes a framework which you can use as a simple starting point and can be enhanced and extended by an easy plugin system to build your own project based framework in a simple, fast, scalable and understandable way.
published 5.1.1 7 years agoThe component represents a simple accordion with `transitions` and `max-height`.
published 5.2.2 7 years agoThe article component is a `wrap-with` partial to give you the possibility to put in every content you need.
published 5.2.1 7 years agoA simple badge component with different states (e.g. error, success, notice,...) and flexible content.
published 5.1.0 7 years agoThe component represents a comparison handler. It allows you to change via drag the image.
published 5.1.1 7 years agoThe CTA component is a powerful one. It can be used as simple link or button component.
published 5.1.1 7 years agoThe `<figure>` element is intended to be used in conjunction with the `<figcaption>` element to mark up diagrams, illustrations, photos code examples and other things
published 5.1.0 7 years agoThe form component is a complete solution for your forms. It provides ajax functionality, a datepicker (pikaday.js), custom styles for checkboxes and radio buttons, jQuery-free
published 5.1.0 7 years agoIt represents an overlay module. This module is responsible to create an overlay without predefining any inner overlay template. It should be used by other modules to display their content in an overlay.
published 5.1.0 7 years ago