Sass Globber
This module provides a simple globbing functionality for sass files like the ruby gem sass-globbing
It reads a file from a defined directory and creates a new sass file with all @import
It also has a build-in watcher which watches your changes in your sassRoot
npm install sass-globber
Read a source file from a provided directory, process its content, glob all files and output the paths as content to a custom output file.
var sassGlobbing = ;sassGlobbing;
When your Sass/SCSS file looks like this:
You will get the following output:
// This file is generated by sass-globber.// Do not edit this file manually!// Just add your styles/imports to your source file: styles.scss.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Type: string
Default value: scss
Define a string value which represents the path to your Sass/SCSS files.
Example: src/sass
Type: string
Default value: styles.scss
Define a string value which is the filename of your source file. In this file you have your glob patterns.
Example: _all.scss
Type: string
Default value: styles.tmp.scss
Define a string value which is the filename of your output file.
Example: styles-final.scss
Type: string
Default value: // This file is generated by sass-globber.\n// Do not edit this file manually! ...
Define a string value which will be prepend to your output file.
Example: // This file is generated. \n
Type: boolean
Default value: false
has a build-in watcher which you can use. Under the hood I use chokidar
to watch the files in sassRoot
Example: true
Grunt Plugin
There is also a grunt module available: see grunt-sass-globber
Copyright (c) 2015 Sebastian Fitzner. Licensed under the MIT license.