
  • Command Line Interface to administrate a DES project

    published 11.1.2 16 days ago
  • Ama-terasu module

    published 0.0.44 2 years ago
  • Command Line Interface to administrate a Digital Experience Suite projects

    published 11.1.2 16 days ago
  • Command Line Interface to administrate a DES project

    published 11.1.2 16 days ago
  • Schematics for Ama-terasu

    published 11.1.2 16 days ago
  • Ama-terasu module for DES SDK generation

    published 11.1.2 16 days ago
  • Angular builder for prefetching resources before loading the application

    published 18.0.0 4 months ago
  • Recommended eslint configuration for Otter project

    published 11.1.2 16 days ago
  • The module provides in-house eslint plugins to use in your own eslint configuration.

    published 11.1.2 16 days ago
  • Various CLI scripts to help your CI/CD process and your dependency management

    published 11.1.2 16 days ago
  • Digital API - SDK Core

    published 11.1.2 16 days ago
  • Schematics module of the Otter framework

    published 11.1.2 16 days ago
  • This module provides a bridge to target different loggers (logrocket, fullstory, smartlook) with a common interface. It is reporting the logs emitted by the different Otter Modules.

    published 11.1.2 16 days ago
  • This module provides a mechanism to retrieve media and data depending on the host or a server specific url.

    published 11.1.2 16 days ago
  • Core of the Otter Framework

    published 11.1.2 16 days ago
  • Extractors module of the Otter framework

    published 11.1.2 16 days ago
  • This module provides a runtime dynamic language/translation support and debug tools.

    published 11.1.2 16 days ago
  • The module provides testing (e2e, unit test) utilities to help you build your own E2E pipeline integrating visual testing.

    published 11.1.2 16 days ago
  • This module provides a framework to capture, store and report multiple events (ui, performance etc.) emitted by an Otter Application.

    published 11.1.2 16 days ago
  • This module contains configuration-related features such as CMS compatibility, Configuration override, store and debugging. It enables your application runtime configuration and comes with an integrated ng builder to help you generate configurations suppo

    published 11.1.2 16 days ago
  • This module contains component-related features (Component replacement, CMS compatibility, helpers, pipes, debugging developer tools...) It comes with an integrated ng builder to help you generate components compatible with Otter features (CMS integration

    published 11.1.2 16 days ago
  • A styling framework to apply a theme on an Otter application at build time and runtime to support CMS customization.

    published 11.1.2 16 days ago
  • This module helps you to configure an Otter application's routing (POST parameter management, preloading strategy, guard recommendation).

    published 11.1.2 16 days ago
  • Commands relative to the Digital Apis

    published 11.1.2 16 days ago
  • Bridge to Dodo CLI

    published 11.1.2 16 days ago
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