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Touhou Solitaire Game
Wrap words to a specified length.
Wrap those words. Show them at what columns to start and stop.
Wrap words to a specified length.
Clean up regular expressions
Word-wrapping for javascript.
Windows MetaFile (WMF) parser
Word Processing Document library
Check if a character is a word character
Map of nouns to their irregular plural form
Pluralize a word
List of English words
Test if a value is a Uint32Array.
- stdlib
- stdassert
- assertion
- assert
- utilities
- utility
- utils
- util
- uint32array
- uint32
- unsigned
- integer
- int
- uint
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Convert Word documents from docx to simple HTML and Markdown
High word mask for the exponent of a double-precision floating-point number.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- constant
- const
- mathematics
- math
- float
- float64
- 64bit
- floating-point
- ieee754
- mask
- exponent
- bits
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Test if a value is a Uint16Array.
- stdlib
- stdassert
- assertion
- assert
- utilities
- utility
- utils
- util
- uint16array
- uint16
- unsigned
- integer
- int
- uint
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Return an unsigned 32-bit integer corresponding to the more significant 32 bits of a double-precision floating-point number.
High word mask for the sign bit of a double-precision floating-point number.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- constant
- const
- mathematics
- math
- float
- float64
- 64bit
- floating-point
- ieee754
- mask
- sign
- bits
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Contains some util methods for converting numbers into words, ordinal words and ordinal numbers.
Return an integer corresponding to the unbiased exponent of a double-precision floating-point number.
- stdlib
- stdtypes
- base
- utilities
- utility
- utils
- util
- types
- type
- exponent
- unbiased
- bits
- floating-point
- float64
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