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i18n for ISO 3166-1 country codes
English (Canada) spelling dictionary
Routing for static site generators, build systems and task runners, heavily based on express.js routes but works with file objects. Used by Assemble, Verb, and Template.
i18n for ISO 639 language codes
- i18n
- iso
- 639
- iso 639
- iso 639-1
- iso 639-2
- iso 639-2T
- iso 639-2B
- alpha
- alpha-2
- alpha-3
- language
- languages
- ar
- View more
English (Australia) spelling dictionary
English (South Africa) spelling dictionary
English spelling dictionary
English (United Kingdom) spelling dictionary
List of English words
i18n for ISO 3166-1 country codes
💪 Try as hard as possible to detect the client's language tag ('locale') in node or the browser. Browserify and Webpack friendly!
i18n for ISO 3166-1 country codes
country names by Alpha-2 country code in multiple languages
Get a random English word
Returns a random English word
List of English words
Ukrainian to English transliteration using official rules
i18n for ISO 3166-1 country codes
i18n for ISO 639 language codes
- i18n
- iso
- 639
- iso 639
- iso 639-1
- iso 639-2
- iso 639-2T
- iso 639-2B
- alpha
- alpha-2
- alpha-3
- language
- languages
- ar
- View more
i18n for ISO 3166-1 country codes, extended with new languages