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Gender detection from first name
欢迎来到 [Wordle]( | [汉兜]( | [词影]( |... 猜单词|猜成语|猜数字|猜数学方程式|... 的小游戏,支持QQ官方MD模板,且包含多种词库、主题、游戏设置和排行榜系统等。
CLI game - find out the source word which characters was shuffled and an extra char was added
Number guessing game in Koishi
Detect the language of text
Hangman game in Koishi
/*猜谜语*/ 猜谜实在是难🤨,很多谜语很冷🥶,有兴趣就来玩玩吧~[使用方法可以参见这里哦](
Detect the language of text
Detect the language of text
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A bash attempt at npm-forgot: Guess JavaScript require() dependencies, detect their versions, compare with package.json.
This project is a JavaScript game .
This is a number-guessing-game
A simple number guessing game programmed using typescript inquirer module.