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Reload the page when files are modified
Convention over configuration for using Vite in Ruby apps
Easily expose environment variables in Vite.js
solid-js integration plugin for vite 3/4/5/6
Subresource Integrity hashes for the Vite.js manifest.
Vite.js helpers for the Stimulus JavaScript framework
HMR for Stimulus controllers in Vite.js, tweak your JS without refreshing the page.
Convention over configuration for using Vite in Rails apps
Import, inline (and compress) GLSL shader files
Report builds and upload source maps to Bugsnag
Time reporting for Vite project
Use ERB files in Vite.js projects with a Ruby backend
An API used to extend the capabilities of @antfu/vite-plugin-md
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Applies the TypeScript compiler during Vite transform build phase.
Laravel DataTables with jQuery, Bootstrap and Vite
A rollup plugin designed to allow scoped css to be run in react (Compatible with vite and rollup)
New way to use environment variables in Vite
- vite
- vitejs
- vite env
- vite-env
- vite environment variables
- environment variables caster
- environment variables casting
- environment variables transform
Image Presets for Vite.js apps. Optimize, resize, and process images consistently and with ease.
A vite plugin to generate the required `assets.json` file