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A pure JavaScript/ES5.1 port of Google/Niantic's S2 Geometry library (used by Ingress, Pokemon GO)
a Typescript porting of the great S2 Geometry library from Google
effective spreadsheet render core lib
use S2 with react
use S2 with vue
use S2 with react
S2JSON is a specification for encoding a variety of geographic data structures
effective spreadsheet render core lib
React components for S2
- antv
- s2
- s2-react
- spreadsheet
- pivot table
- table
- react-components
- react-config-components
- s2-react-components
- s2-react-config-components
- s2-react-analysis-components
A geospatial index for Convex
A library for Google s2 cell drawing
Bindings for the [S2 Geometry Library]( into [node.js](
S2 Maps GPU
217 kB, tiny offline reverse geocoding library that works anywhere, browser, Node.js, web worker. High performance (S2 cell based). Looks up country and nearest city, given GPS coordinates
effective spreadsheet render core lib
Bindings for the [S2 Geometry Library]( into [node.js](
Simple S2 Geometry Implementation in Node.JS ( Code by MMM )
effective spreadsheet render core lib
store and retrieve data in leveldb using a lat/long pair in a given radius
S2 standard library for typescript for S2 comunication in a smart grid