An abstraction for models to be stored in json-storage
A fork of Douglas Crockford's JSLint for Node.JS that auto-updates
An Abstract Http Request for Node.JS (httpClient) and the Browser (XMLHttpRequeuest2)
Add req.query and req.pathname as parsed by `url` and `querystring`
A commandline utility to cherry-pick a value from a JSON response
published 1.0.1 13 years agoFor WebApps (especially offline-enabled apps) to determine online / offline status using browser, origin, amazon favicon.ico mechanizms
A minimal asynchronous test framework for Node.JS / Ender
published 1.0.0 13 years agoSimilar to connect-vhoster, but mounts apps to a resource rather than a subdomain.
published 1.0.1 12 years ago