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Simple and modern async event emitter
Simple event emitter
Tiny 200b functional Event Emitter / pubsub.
Environment agnostic event emitter
A tiny (less than 1k) event emitter library
High-level messaging & socket patterns implemented in pure js
Cloud Pub/Sub Client Library for Node.js
- google apis client
- google api client
- google apis
- google api
- google cloud platform
- google cloud
- cloud
- google pubsub
- pubsub
Parse and generate MQTT packets like a breeze
Super light and fast Extensible ES6+ events and EventEmitters for Node and the browser. Easy for any developer level, use the same exact code in node and the browser. No frills, just high speed events!
Pusher Channels JavaScript library for browsers, React Native, NodeJS and web workers
Simple pub/sub messaging for the web
Tiny data broadcaster with 0 dependencies
lil' event emitter
This is an internal package. Please don't use this package directly. The package will do unexpected breaking changes.
Node.js client for NATS, a lightweight, high-performance cloud native messaging system
Zero dependency, tiny (<0.5 kb) publish/subscribe
Dependency free publish/subscribe library
Stream-based MQTT broker
- mqtt
- broker
- server
- mqtt-server
- stream
- streams
- publish
- subscribe
- pubsub
- messaging
- mosca
- mosquitto
- iot
- internet
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Redis-based MQEmitter