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An Opinionated Message Queue with an emitter-style API
Pub/Sub library providing wildcard subscriptions, complex message handling, etc. Works server and client-side.
> Dead simple pub-sub
Primus is a simple abstraction around real-time frameworks. It allows you to easily switch between different frameworks without any code changes.
- abstraction
- browserchannel
- framework
- comet
- streaming
- pubsub
- pub
- sub
- ajax
- xhr
- polling
- http
- faye
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EventEmitter replacement with AMQP-style bindings and other advanced features. Compatible with postal.js's API.
EventEmitter replacement with AMQP-style bindings and other advanced features. Compatible with postal.js's API.
Vanilla JS, React pub/sub implementation. Typescript friendly
The pub/sub library for node backed by Redis, MongoDB, AMQP (RabbitMQ), ZeroMQ, Kafka, MQTT (Mosquitto) or just plain node!
A node.js in-memory cache - get, set, or subscribe to the auto-updater loop
Pub/sub for Node.js and MongoDB
RTI Connector for JavaScript
An asynchronous messaging library, written in JavaScript, for node and browser use
pubsub pattern for in-memory, stateless event streaming
minimalist pattern-matching pub-sub message-bus
Simple publish && subscribe communication interface
Pub/sub for Node.js and MongoDB, updated for mongodb 4.x, 5.x, 6.x, 7.x, 8.x and fix some deprecated usages by emman sun
Type safe and light event emitter / pubsub class
Pub/sub for Node.js and MongoDB
Prebuilt client library for Primus - a simple abstraction around real-time frameworks
Wrapper for KafkaJS library to be used with Strapi apps.