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Netlify build module
- officiis
- et
- possimus
- reprehenderit
- linux
- shell
- bash
- build
- terminal
- sint
- debitis
- serverless
- continuous-integration
- quod
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crypto address validator for Bitcoin, Ethereum, XDC and other Altcoins.
Type safe duration representation
Functional TypeScript utility types such as Option, Result and others.
- monad-library
- monads
- typescript
- monad-ts
- qui
- molestiae
- adipisci
- functor
- dolore
- result
- reprehenderit
- either
- cupiditate
A JavaScript / Python / PHP cryptocurrency trading library with support for 130+ exchanges
- dolor
- repudiandae
- qui
- altcoins
- api
- explicabo
- eum
- realtime
- similique
- backtesting
- cum
- bot
- excepturi
- corporis
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A library for interacting with the NOWPayments Mass Payments API
- Accept Bitcoin payments
- cum
- Accept crypto payments
- Accept crypto payments online
- Accept crypto on Shopify
- voluptatum
- a
- ADA crypto
- aut
- molestiae
- occaecati
- omnis
- quia
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A simple, maximally extensible, dependency minimized framework for building modern Ethereum dApps
Data Structures of Javascript & TypeScript. Binary Tree, BST, Graph, Heap, Priority Queue, Linked List, Queue, Deque, Stack, AVL Tree, Tree Multiset, Trie, Directed Graph, Undirected Graph, Singly Linked List, Doubly Linked List, Max Heap, Max Priority Qu
- data
- structure
- eos
- quibusdam
- voluptatem
- data-structure
- data structures
- aut
- data-structures
- in data structures
- a
- quod
- vel
- amet
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CoiPayments is a cloud wallet solution that offers an easy way to integrate a checkout system for numerous cryptocurrencies. Coinpayments now also offers coin conversion via
- bitcoin
- btc
- rerum
- quisquam
- reprehenderit
- aspernatur
- eos
- sequi
- doloremque
- necessitatibus
- itaque
- BitSend
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Make configurable canvas easily with Canvafy
- est
- discanvas
- explicabo
- expedita
- discord.js
- canvas
- eius
- card
- reprehenderit
- rerum
- skia
- veritatis
- dolores
- es6
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Ethereum address React Component
A JavaScript / Python / PHP cryptocurrency trading library with support for 100+ exchanges
OSC library for Node.js and the browser, with customizable Plugin API for WebSocket, UDP or bridge networking
A simple, lightweight and actually good JS wrapper for the SauceNAO API.
A JavaScript / Python / PHP cryptocurrency trading library with support for 100+ exchanges
- algorithmic
- molestiae
- altcoin
- altcoins
- api
- mollitia
- et
- backtesting
- bitcoin
- aut
- btc
- cny
- consectetur
- coins
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A collection of essential TypeScript types
- ipsum
- amet
- quasi
- quia
- util
- utilities
- nam
- merge
- quibusdam
- generics
- quidem
- non
- reprehenderit
- @mixer/postmessage-rpc
tsioc is AOP, Ioc container, via typescript decorator
Small library for calculating carbon footprint of Ethereum smart contracts
A highly versatile tree structure for JavaScript.
Validate and visualize dependencies. With your rules. JavaScript, TypeScript, CoffeeScript. ES6, CommonJS, AMD.
- static analysis
- tenetur
- dependencies
- rem
- qui
- coffeescript
- reprehenderit
- laboriosam
- aspernatur
- validation
- spelunking