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19 packages found
Adds support for the Hogan templating engine to DocPad.
Lightweight router for the IOPA Stack for Node.js
- iopa
- owin-js
- middleware
- router
- templates
- expressjs
- promise
- async
- framework
- owin
- razor
- moustache
- handlebars
- dust
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Simple streaming formatter
Hubot plugin to add a moustache to the face of an uploaded photo (Slack only)
SvelteKit adapter for HTML-like template engines such as PHP, Blade, Handlebars, etc.
- templating
- template
- templates
- string
- formatting
- object
- format
- interpolate
- interpolation
- expand
- simple
- replace
- placeholders
- values
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Handlebars Template Engine for the IOPA Stack for Node.js
- iopa
- owin-js
- middleware
- router
- templates
- expressjs
- promise
- async
- framework
- owin
- razor
- moustache
- handlebars
- dust
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Razor Template Engine for the IOPA Stack for Node.js
- iopa
- owin-js
- middleware
- router
- templates
- expressjs
- promise
- async
- framework
- owin
- razor
- moustache
- handlebars
- dust
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Minimalistic Templating Engine for Nodejs
Very simple Markdown blog: serves your md as html without fancy databases. You will only spend time writing the actual data.
Use Nunjucks Environment Class to get more control
Node for node-red to render a moustache template passed into the node
krunt, for all the moustache wearing cancel culturists
Handlebars JST engine for Mincer
An OWIN-JS implementation of the Razor view template engine for the limerun project
- limerun
- owin-js
- middleware
- router
- templates
- expressjs
- promise
- async
- framework
- owin
- razor
- moustache
- dust
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Compile Handlebars to Virtual DOM templates
query the server periodically to check whether it is up
query the server periodically to check whether it is up
lightweight translation module with dynamic json storage