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Script that parses a boolean query to an array with all the possibilities. IE: (a AND (b OR c)) -> [[a, b],[a, c]]
Lucene query parser and formatter for JavaScript created using PEG.js
API around the ElasticSearch RESTful API -- mostly convenience.
Lightweight and performant Lucene-like parser, serializer and search engine.
Lucene Query Parser for JavaScript created using PEG.js
Escape a string for a lucene query. Effectively removes all special characters.
Lucene query parser and formatter for JavaScript created using PEG.js
Build Lucene queries by defining lucene query builders
Parse from a lucene like syntax to psql's bson syntax
Generate escaped lucene query strings
Lucene Query Parser for Javascript created using PEG.js
Query-Engine is a NoSQL and MongoDb compliant query engine. It can run on the server-side with Node.js, or on the client-side within web browsers
Data filter for lucene queries
Convert a mongo query like object to lucene query string
mongo query language for humans inspired by Lucene
An ElasticSearch client.
Library to build lucene queries in a typescript friendly way
nodejs mongodb elasticsearch synchrodata
- elastic
- search
- elastic search
- elasticsearch
- es
- lucene
- mongodb
- mongodb sync
- synchronization
- sync
- es-mongodb-sync
mongo query language for humans inspired by Lucene
Pustaka Javascript untuk memisahkan kata dari imbuhan awal ataupun akhir pada bahasa Indonesia