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27 packages found
React.js + prismjs syntax hightlight component
- React.js
- React
- react-component
- prismjs
- prism
- hightlight
- hightlight.js
- google code prettify
- prettify
- code prettify
- syntax
- syntax hightlight
- worker
- webworker
Hightlight text and save range
React Native component used to highlight character within a word. This is a port of [react-native-text-highlight](
- react
- native
- text
- hightlight
- color
- search
- filter
- word
- character
- substring
- matches
- occurrences
- highlighter
- react-component
Highlight.JS in TypeScript (and ES6).
Hightlight text and save range
react native touchable component
Express middleware to get a source fragment
A tiny js tool to highlight an SVG element.
Lightweight library to highlight html syntax
Snapshot your code
rewrite default_rules.code_block for markdown-it in nodejs.
hightlight words in react
A react highlight text component. Support case setting, global render setting and custom class config setting.
jQuery UI plugin for Autocomplete Widget to highlight matches in dropdown lists
Ember implementation of custom code-viewer, make code hightlight(html, js, css).