Search results
405 packages found
parse, inspect, transform, and serialize content through syntax trees
Virtual file format for text processing
unist utility to visit nodes
hast utility to create trees
remark plugin that turns markdown into HTML to support rehype
rehype plugin to transform inline and block math with KaTeX
rehype plugin to add `id` attributes to headings
rehype plugin to collapse whitespace
rehype plugin to automatically add `target` and `rel` attributes to external links
rehype plugin to reparse the tree (and raw nodes)
hast utility to transform to estree (JavaScript AST) JSX
rehype plugin to remove comments (except conditional comments)
A rehype MDX plugin for interpreting markdown code meta as props
New syntax to add attributes to Markdown.
rehype plugin to add links to headings
unist utility to find a node
rehype plugin to transform to retext
Ignore content display via HTML comments, Shown in GitHub readme, excluded in HTML.
rehype plugin to use browser APIs to parse HTML
rehype plugin to add citation and bibliography from bibtex files