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118 packages found
A lean, modular web server for rapid full-stack development
This library was generated with [Nx](
Open-source creative coding framework for distributed applications based on Web technologies
A vue3 vuetify framework with ioc
A vue3 quasar framework with ioc
A vue3 antdv framework with ioc
A vue3 element-plus framework with ioc
![Built With Stencil](
A thin, full-stack, web framework. Powered by Vite and Lit SSR.
- ssr
- ssg
- mpa
- spa
- full-stack
- web-components
- custom-elements
- markdown
- static
- dynamic
- server
- client
- framework
- bundler
- View more
- Have an existing nx workspace. For creating this, see [nrwl's documentation]( - .NET SDK is installed, and `dotnet` is available on the path. For help on this, see [Microsoft's documentation](https
> This package is unstable! Documentation formatting could change in the future. See something that you think should be different? [Open an issue]( on github and help shape this plugin.
A thin, full-stack, web framework
Full but minimalist responsive webapp framework with no client-side Javascript
A comprehensive tool for learning programming.
A platform for connecting developers with mentors.
Insanely fast, full-stack, headless browser testing using Node.js
A beginner-friendly npm package for effortlessly setting up a MERN application. This package simplifies the setup process, helping you get started quickly with a ready-to-go development environment.
A thin, full-stack, web framework
Structure for a full stack project
An opensource (hopefully) application boilerplate script written in Golang.
- boilerplate
- script
- golang
- nextjs
- express
- vite
- clerk
- firebase
- chicks
- chiks
- database
- full-stack
- fulstack
- typescript