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Hare-Niemeyer aka. Hamilton or largest remainder method for seat distribution used in multiple parliamentary elections all over the world
- distribution
- election
- hamilton
- hare
- hare-niemeyer
- largest
- niemeyer
- proportional
- remainder
- representation
- seats
- votes
- voting
Sainte-Laguë method for seat distribution used in multiple parliamentary elections all over the world
- distribution
- election
- highest quotient method
- lague
- laguë
- proportional
- representation
- sainte
- sainte-lague
- sainte-laguë
- schepers
- seats
- votes
- voting
Leader election for browser tabs and workers
Nestjs k8s leader election
Nestjs k8s leader election
Leader election backed by MongoDB
- mongodb
- leader
- election
- leader election
- mongo leader
- mongo-leader
- mongo election
- mongo-election
- mongo leader election
- mongo-leader-election
Framework for political and electoral simulations
Simple leader election library
Create polls and manage votes with a MongoDB or MySQL database.
Library for encrypting ballots for the ElectionGuard voting system
Leader election for legiond
Simplistic etcd replacement based on TinyRaft
VotePeer ( javascript library. Blockchain protocol for on-chain voting with Bitcoin Cash.
## How to Use This Pkg? ### Data Loaders `DataLoader` class 可以撈取多種不同選舉的結果,和執行一次性資料撈取或是週期性資料撈取。 目前支援的選舉類型(`type`)包括: - `councilMember`:縣市議員 - `mayor`: 縣市長 - `legislator`: 立法委員 - `president`: 總統 - `referendum`: 公投
Leader and followers algorithm to make partitioning easy.
- scalability
- concurrency
- distributed-systems
- leader-election
- partitioning
- utility
- library
- standard
- javascript
- javascript-library
- cluster
- election
- replicas
- distributed-lock
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Zero-conf leader election based on bonjour
A library to manage voting systems
Generate westminster parliament charts as virtual-dom SVG.
The [largest remainder method]( (also known as Hare–Niemeyer method, Hamilton method or as Vinton's method) is one way of [allocating seats proportionally](<
- voting
- election
- general election
- largest remainder
- proportional representation
- representation
- proportional distribution
- distribution
- apportionment
- representative assemblies
- voting system
- politics
- hare–niemeyer
- hamilton
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Implementation of the Bully Algorithm to elect a master among equal peers in a distributed system