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Fast, disk space efficient package manager
- pnpm10
- dependency manager
- install
- installer
- uninstall
- remove
- link
- prune
- shrinkwrap
- lockfile
- fast
- rapid
- efficient
- package.json
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Extremely fast deep cloning function
Fast, disk space efficient package manager
- dependency manager
- install
- installer
- uninstall
- remove
- link
- prune
- shrinkwrap
- lockfile
- fast
- rapid
- efficient
- package.json
- packages
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Generate unique identifiers like MongoDB does
ForgeScript is a comprehensive package that empowers you to effortlessly interact with Discord's API. It ensures scripting remains easy to learn and consistently effective.
Fast, disk space efficient installation engine
- pnpm10
- dependency manager
- install
- installer
- uninstall
- remove
- link
- prune
- shrinkwrap
- lockfile
- fast
- rapid
- efficient
- package.json
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This package exposes a function that improves upon the standard way of bundling functions for Firebase Cloud Functions. It includes the ability to glob-match files that contain a cloud function that are then automatically exported. See for more
CSS-only & easy-to-use solution for cross-browser scrollbar hiding
Shuffle the words in a string and optionally the letters in each word using the Fisher-Yates algorithm. Useful for creating test fixtures, benchmarking samples, etc.
- algorithm
- benchmarking
- combinatorics
- efficient
- equally
- finite
- fisher
- fixtures
- knuth
- letters
- permutation
- random
- randomly
- randomize
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Min Heap. Javascript & Typescript Data Structure.
- Min Heap
- min heap
- maxheap
- min-heap
- heap
- Binary Heap
- binary-heap
- heap data structure
- min heap data structure
- complete binary tree
- heapify
- heap sort
- heapify up
- heapify down
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ELEN - Efficient Lexicographic Encoding of Numbers. For JavaScript.
A tiny and fast circular buffer
A Simple Package To Cache And Save On Expensive Lookups & Operations.
An advanced, on-demand React UI library optimized for BeyondJS. Pragmate UI provides modular, responsive, and accessible components with a focus on efficient bundle sizes and a streamlined development process.
- react
- ui-library
- components
- BeyondJS
- on-demand
- modular
- accessible
- responsive
- web-components
- microfrontends
- custom-properties
- UI
- UX
- design-system
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The complete (but tiny) js events solution - An event bus/emitter, simple DOM event API, and incredibly efficient delegated events.
- eventbus
- bus
- events
- delegation
- delegated events
- DOM events
- binding
- events management
- event manager
- event bus
- tiny
- lightweight
- efficient
- emitter
Priority Queue, Min Priority Queue, Max Priority Queue. Javascript & Typescript Data Structure.
- Priority Queue
- priority queue
- priorityqueue
- priority-queue
- priority q
- priorityQ
- min
- max
- efficient
- priority
- heap
- binary heap
- binaryheap
- heap property
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Transform strings into memorable acronyms
- acronym
- acronyms
- acronymer
- abbr
- abbrv
- abbrev
- abbreviation
- algorithm
- coding
- compose
- create
- development
- efficient
- generate
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Heap. Javascript & Typescript Data Structure.
- heap
- Binary Heap
- binary-heap
- heap data structure
- min heap
- max heap
- complete binary tree
- heapify
- heap sort
- heapify up
- heapify down
- Priority Queue
- priority queue
- priorityqueue
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JavaScript library that provides advanced string casing capabilities with intelligent capitalization handling. It offers a comprehensive set of features to convert strings to various casing styles, including title case, sentence case, camel case, snake ca
- string
- casing
- capitalization
- text
- formatting
- smart
- intelligent
- title case
- sentence case
- camel case
- snake case
- kebab case
- consistent
- rules
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Min Priority Queue. Javascript & Typescript Data Structure.
- Min Priority Queue
- min priority queue
- minpriorityqueue
- min-priority-queue
- Priority Queue
- priority queue
- priorityqueue
- priority-queue
- priority q
- priorityQ
- min
- max
- efficient
- priority
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