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18 packages found
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Analyze a graph to find cyclic loops
Analyize recursive (cyclic) JSON Schema types
find and identify a cycle in a directed graph
- cycle
- cycles
- cyclic
- graph
- graphs
- directed
- directed-graph
- directed-graphs
- find
- finder
- search
- detect
- detector
- detection
UltraDeepClone - A complete (as possible) deep-clone algorithm that can clone objects with cycles.
Minimal cycle basis for a planar graph
Compact adjacency matrix.
- stdlib
- stdutils
- stdutil
- utilities
- utility
- utils
- util
- data structures
- data structure
- data
- structure
- adjacency
- matrix
- graph
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Calculate sleep cycles to wake up more refreshed.
Find all strongly-connected components in a graph structure.
Simple JS/TS classes and mixins to help manage complex state and action flow in sync.
- DataSignals
- data-signals
- data signals
- data
- signals
- context
- Context
- ContextAPI
- DataBoy
- DataMan
- SignalBoy
- SignalMan
- RefreshCycles
- refresh
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DEPRECATED - use detect-object-cycles
Angular Ticking Clock Directive
a lifecycle manager
Proper rendering tool to handle arrays, array-like objects, iterators, iterables, generators and more!
Library to detect cycles in JSON / JavaScript objects
Textile's Cycle Manager
A cycles.js stream adapter for Kefir
This is a package containing multiple **datastructures** and some **graph algorithms** written in typescript with no dependencies usable with commonjs, esm and in the browser. Also some other handy utility function are contained in this package.
- stack
- linkedstack
- list
- linkedlist
- doublylinkedlist
- cycliclinkedlist
- queue
- linkedqueue
- priorityqueue
- dequeue
- heap
- fibonacciheap
- quicksort
- heapsort
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Parse cyclical data structures with zod.