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28 packages found
Vanilla Node.js script to compile JS code/files using Google Closure Compiler Service (zero dependencies)
Common extern files I use in a lot of my projects
closure-library utilities
Gulp plugin to compile JS files using Google Closure Compiler Service
- gulpplugin
- google-closure-compiler-service
- google-closure-compiler
- closure-compiler
- min
- compile
- js
- javascript
- build
Run google closure compiler with with serious business options enabled
A simple command-line tool to build the all the JS files referenced in a JSP through closure-compiler (it that's your thing)
An closure compiler inspired by Google, made for fun
Rollup plugin to invoke google-closure-compiler-js.
ZombieBox extension for Lodash
Rollup plugin to invoke google-closure-compiler-js.
compress your static data in snowpack with the Closure Compiler
A typescript transpiler and bundler that wires up tsickle and closure compiler seamlessly
Externs for Google Closure Compiler
A rollup plugin to use tscc module specification
Yeoman generator for stack with closure compiler, soy templates, less + express
Rollup plugin that uses the up-to-date JS version of Closure Compiler to minify your code. Works with sourcemaps
Easy way to separate your closure library style code into compiled asset files that can be loaded individually.
A rollup plugin to use tscc module specification
Provides utility functionalities to call closure tools in nodejs.