ZombieBox extension for Lodash v4.17.11.
This extension provides a custom Lodash build with Closure Compiler externs.
Methods will be exported into window.lodash
Exported methods:
- chunk
- difference
- differenceBy
- differenceWith
- dropRight
- dropRightWhile
- dropWhile
- findLastIndex
- flatten
- flattenDeep
- flattenDepth
- fromPairs
- intersection
- intersectionBy
- intersectionWith
- last
- pull
- pullAll
- pullAllBy
- pullAllWith
- pullAt
- remove
- takeRight
- takeRightWhile
- takeWhile
- union
- unionBy
- unionWith
- uniq
- uniqBy
- uniqWith
- unzip
- unzipWith
- without
- xor
- xorBy
- xorWith
- zip
- zipObject
- zipWith
- countBy
- findLast
- flatMap
- flatMapDeep
- flatMapDepth
- forEachRight
- groupBy
- includes
- keyBy
- partition
- sample
- sampleSize
- shuffle
- ary
- curry
- curryRight
- debounce
- memoize
- once
- overArgs
- partial
- partialRight
- throttle
- unary
- wrap
- clone
- cloneDeep
- cloneDeepWith
- cloneWith
- isEqual
- isEqualWith
- toArray
- toInteger
- toNumber
- toString
- clamp
- random
- defaults
- defaultsDeep
- findKey
- findLastKey
- mapKeys
- mapValues
- merge
- mergeWith
- omitBy
- pickBy
- toPairs
- toPairsIn
- values
- valuesIn
- camelCase
- capitalize
- escape
- escapeRegExp
- kebabCase
- lowerCase
- lowerFirst
- pad
- padEnd
- padStart
- repeat
- snakeCase
- startCase
- trimEnd
- trimStart
- truncate
- unescape
- upperCase
- upperFirst
- attempt
- over
- overEvery
- overSome
- range
- rangeRight
- times
- uniqueId