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75 packages found
Marks all side-effects in module initialization that will interfere with tree-shaking
轻量级架构记录工具 - Command-line tools for working with Architecture Decision Records
- async
- ava
- await
- boilerplate
- conventional-changelog
- ES6
- ES7
- library
- javascript-modules
- node
- nyc
- rollup
- starter
- template
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A TypeScript library for handling units and measurements with support for multiple formats (tuples, objects, strings, dimensions) and operations (arithmetic, comparison). Modular, tree-shakable, and designed for safe, boilerplate-free usage.
- units
- measurement
- unit-conversion
- numeric-calculations
- quantities
- unit-aware
- type-safe
- types
- typescript
- ts
- js
- javascript
- node
- nodejs
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A Rollup plugin that automatically annotates your module as tree shakeable.
Vite plugin to generate additional entry points for files matching glob patterns
vite plugin for no bundle css
Enhance any state management library with full tree-shaking capabilities using this universal library
- Treeshakable
- React
- React 18
- React 19
- Tree-shaking
- State management
- Performance optimization
- Zustand
- Global state
- Package size reduction
- Code splitting
- TypeScript
- React server components
- Library enhancement
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微信小程序按需引入vant组件,自动清除项目中未使用的vant组件,减少代码包大小,避免因未使用到的 vant 组件触发隐私协议提交审核时被拒
DSL to define shader code in TypeScript and cross-compile to GLSL, JS and other targets
- ast
- canvas
- codegen
- compiler
- dag
- datastructure
- dce
- dsl
- glsl
- gpgpu
- interval
- optimization
- shader
- shader-ast
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a browserify plugin that runs various optimizations, so you don't have to install them all manually.
Check better alternatives you can use without momentjs
Transforms lodash function imports into sub-modules imports, which allows for a tree-shaking
Transforms lodash function imports into sub-modules imports, which allows for a tree-shaking
Transpiles ES6 lodash imports into typescript imports to help with tree-shaking
Unwrap imports for tree shaking
browserify tree shaking plugin using @indutny common-shake
Basic Angular2 app with AoT compilation for production and a development environment.
Octicons with tree-shaking support and icon-per-file style